include ('top.php');
include ('admin/config.php');
$testo="At the moment this section is empty.
$sql="select * from ".$news." where (lingua='uk' and (tipo='offerte' or tipo='lastminute'))";
if(!($result=mysql_query($sql,$conn))) {
echo ("Error selecting data from NEWS table.\n");
while ($datarecord=mysql_fetch_row ($result)) {
if (time()>$datarecord[9]) {continue;}
if (time()<$datarecord[10]) {continue;}
} }
/*$tempo=time()-186423;$data=date("d/m/Y",$tempo);echo "The events of the month The calendar of the events of the Montepulciano territory Last Update: $data \n";*/ $sql="select * from ".$news." where (lingua = 'uk') order by id_news";if(!($result=mysql_query($sql,$conn))) { echo ("Error selecting data from NEWS table.\n"); }else{ if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { echo "$testo"; } while ($datarecord=mysql_fetch_row ($result)) { if (time()<$datarecord[8]) {continue;} if (time()>$datarecord[9]) {continue;} $data=date("d/m/Y G.i:s",$datarecord[1]); $cod=$datarecord[0]; echo "$datarecord[2] ".stripslashes(str_replace("\n", " ", $datarecord[3]))." Last update on: ".$data." |
\n"; } } ?> |